2022 Black History Month

About the Series

In 2021, we announced The Greenwood Cultural Center Series in African Diaspora History and Culture, a series devoted to publishing cutting-edge scholarship from the humanities and social sciences that documents the rich and complex experience of Black peoples around the world. Black community studies that emphasize social justice activism and liberation movements are especially welcome. The goal of the Series is to offer scholarship that simultaneously captures the diversity of Black communities/cultures while illuminating the unique but overlapping histories that connect disparate Black communities throughout the African Diaspora. The Series primary audience will be scholars/researchers in the fields of African American and African Diaspora History. The Series Editor will also seek to acquire books that have the potential for course adoption and/or have the potential to be published as a trade book that will appeal a broader general audience.

Karlos K. Hill, Series Editor

Karlos K. Hill is Associate Professor and Chair of the Clara Luper Department of African and African American Studies at the University of Oklahoma and the author of Beyond the Rope: The Impact of Lynching on Black Culture and Memory.
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