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A Letter to America
Published by: University of Oklahoma Press
Imprint: University of Oklahoma Press
136 Pages | 5 x 8
A powerful wake-up call to all Americans
With only 6 percent of the world’s population, how long will the United States remain a global superpower? The answer, David Boren tells us in A Letter to America, depends on asking ourselves tough questions. A powerful wake-up call to Americans, A Letter to America, forces us to take a bold, objective look at ourselves.
In A Letter to America, Boren explains with unsparing clarity why the country is at a crossroads and why decisive action is urgently needed and offers us an ambitious, hopeful plan.
What the country needs, Boren asserts, are major reforms to restore the ability of our political system to act responsibly. By relying on our shared values, we can replace cynicism with hope and strengthen our determination to build a better future. We must fashion a post–Cold War foreign policy that fits twenty-first-century realities—including multiple contending superpowers. We must adopt campaign finance reform that curbs the influence of special interests and restores political power to the voters. Universal health care coverage, budget deficit reduction, affordable higher education, and a more progressive tax structure will strengthen the middle class.
Boren also describes how we can renew our emphasis on quality primary and secondary education, revitalize our spirit of community, and promote volunteerism. He urges the teaching of more American history and government, for without educated citizens our system cannot function and our rights will not be preserved. Unless we understand how we became great, we will not remain great.
The plan Boren puts forward is optimistic and challenges Americans to look into the future, decide what we want to be and where we want to go, and then implement the policies and actions we need to take us there.
A Rhodes Scholar, David Boren has served as President of the University of Oklahoma (1994–2018), U.S. Senator from Oklahoma (1979–1994), and Governor of Oklahoma (1975–1979) and chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 1987 to 1993. He is the author of A Letter to America.
"Wise, timely, and constructive views from one of the leading public servants and educators of our time. This book should be read, re-read, and passed along to all who care about our country and its future."—David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of John Adams
"Here now is the letter to us all, the one we have been waiting for—and sorely need. It is a message of alarm but also of hope. Our problems as Americans are huge but most are of our own making and thus capable of our own fixing. I say, Amen, David Boren."—Jim Lehrer, Executive Editor, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
"David Boren's unique insights present us with a summons to action. Not all that he suggests will be palatable, but all should be debated. Above all, his letter calls us back from the precipice of narrow self-interest to the solid ground of the public good."—Ruth Simmons, President of Brown University
"A powerful, compelling analysis of the major crises facing the United States today. Treating each crisis in a nonpartisan, compassionate way, and believing that 'we Americans are natural problem solvers,' Boren suggests excellent solutions for the well-being of our own and future generations of Americans."—Howard R. Lamar, former President of Yale University
"David Boren defines our nation's challenges with clarity, common sense, and courage. Americans concerned about the country their children and grandchildren will find Boren's diagnosis and prescriptions refreshing, compelling—and inspiring."—Sam Nunn, U.S. Senator from Georgia, 1972–1997