Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture

About the Series
he series will publish books of the highest quality in the following areas: 1. General studies in ancient culture, including literature, history, and archaeology. 2. General textbooks in English intended primarily for use in undergraduate courses. Classroom textbooks intended primarily for use in Greek and Latin courses, such books invariably containing the text in the original language together with helpful notes for students. 3. Specialized monographs in ancient culture, dealing with such areas as ancient medicine, Ciceronian studies, Latin literature in the Late Empire, and the social and political history of Classical Greece.
Ellen Greene, Series Editor
Ellen Greene is Joseph Paxton Presidential Professor, Department of Classics and Letters at the University of Oklahoma.

Showing results 1-24 of 46
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Latin Redux
A Second-Year Grammar Review
Euripides' Hippolytus
A Commentary for Students
The Arena of Satire
Juvenal's Search for Rome
Plato's Philebus
A Commentary
The Iliad as Politics
The Performance of Political Thought
Reading Lucan’s Civil War
A Critical Guide
The Psychomachia of Prudentius
Text, Commentary, and Glossary
Gender and Sexuality in Juvenal’s Rome
Satire 2 and Satire 6
Epodes, Odes, and Carmen Saeculare
Thucydides's Melian Dialogue and Sicilian Expedition
A Student Commentary
Herodotus, Histories, Book V
Text, Commentary, and Vocabulary
Views of Rome
A Greek Reader
Communication, Love, and Death in Homer and Virgil
An Introduction
Syntactical Mechanics
A New Approach to English, Latin, and Greek
The Satyrica of Petronius
An Intermediate Reader with Commentary and Guided Review
Caesar's Gallic War
A Commentary
Death in the Greek World
From Homer to the Classical Age