WHA Exhibit 2022

Welcome to the University of Oklahoma Press virtual booth. Here you will find links to books that we have featured for the 2022 Western History Association Conference. Shop the selection and receive 30% off select titles when you use promo code 18WHA22 at checkout.

Stop by our booth to meet our editors and pitch your project!

Join us Friday, October 14th at 4pm for a wine and beer reception at our booth in the exhibit hall.
Meet our editors and mingle with OUP authors!

Welcome Andrew Berzanskis!

Editorial Director

University of Oklahoma Press is pleased to welcome Andrew Berzanskis as our new editorial director. Berzanskis has worked in publishing for two decades, most recently as a senior acquisitions editor at the University of Washington Press. His experience also includes acquiring books for West Virginia University Press, Lynne Rienner Publishers, and the University of Georgia Press. He began his publishing career as a literary publicist before an editorial fellowship at the University of Texas Press provided an entry point to university press publishing. He is chair of the  Association of University Presses Acquisitions Editorial committee and has been active as an AUPresses mentor.

“The University of Oklahoma Press has been driving conversations about Indigenous topics, western history, and more for nearly a century,” Berzanskis said. “I am thrilled to join a team dedicated to keeping that legacy fresh and fiercely relevant.”

Alessandra Jacobi Tamulevich

Senior Acquisitions Editor
Senior Acquisitions Editor for Indigenous and Native American Studies, Latin America, Women’s Studies, and Classical Studies

Joe Schiller

Acquisitions Editor
Acquisitions Editor for History, including Environmental History, African American History, Regional History, and Histories of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the North American West

30% Western History Association Discount

Use Promo Code 18WHA22 at Checkout

Sale ends October 30, 2022. For institutional orders, please contact Longleaf Services directly at 800-848-6224 ext. 1 or [email protected].